

LEVEL OF INTEGRITY of urban aquatic ecosystems for the maintenance of HUMAN HEALTH and wellbeing, ANIMAL and PLANT HEALTH and the MITIGATION of the RISKS OF DISEASES outbreak.

Determine ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS for predicting DISEASES OUTBREAK RISKS related to aquatic ecosystem degradation, which may constitute EARLY WARNING INDICATORS.

EARTH OBSERVATION DATA to monitoring early warning indicators.

TOOL that allows the selection of measures to ACT UPON EARLY WARNINGS.


BETTER INSIGHTS in how to foster the use of environmental observation in the large domain of One Health and the areas within this domain that could benefit the most from environmental and Earth observation.

AN INCREASE of the capacity to trace environmental parameter changes on how they impact on the emergence of diseases.

MONITORING of the evolution of ecosystem barriers and reinforcement of their sustainability, specifically in densely populated or intensively used areas.

CONTRIBUTING to understanding the emergence and tackling the spread of new infectious diseases affecting human, animal or plant health, and the interlinkages that may exist between them and building up of more resilient ecosystems.

BETTER INSIGHTS into the concept of alert and early warning systems, including, where possible, the next steps taken (e.g. exploitation/scaling up) in working with the outcomes of the EIC Horizon Prize on Early Warning for Epidemics.

Duration: 01/2023 to 12/2026

Programme: Horizon Europe HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01 Research & Innovation Action

Reference: 101086521

Project Structure
WP1: Project management and coordination

WP1 seeks is to ensure timely and qualitative achievement of the project results through technical and administrative coordination, while providing timely and efficient organisational and financial coordination. 

WP2: Ecological and biological health indicators

WP2 aims to 1) select early warning indicators and proxies for human and ecosystem health of urban aquatic ecosystems to be used in predictive models (WP5); 2) fill knowledge gaps in terms of the influence of urbanization on disease vectors and ecosystem and biological health, through the implementation of tests at research sites; 3) better understand the influence of global changes in ecosystem resilience and health, to answer to information needs of other WPs; and 4) contribute to the Environmental Surveillance System to be developed in WP5 with a map on ecosystem resilience and health indicators.

WP3: Human health indicators, behaviours and policies

WP3 seeks to 1) review best practice, health and wellbeing indicators, databases of indicators, urban public health and environmental data services in relation to urban aquatic ecosystems; 2) identify positive and negative human behaviours on the urban 

aquatic ecosystem, as well as social policies encouraging thriving communities and individuals following an One Digital Health approach; 3) assess health benefits from healthy urban aquatic ecosystems by identifying a set of relevant human indicators linked to thrive, health and wellbeing and test indicators of wellbeing at the Research sites; 4) establish FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) processes for data generated in the project and FAIRness assessment for the digital objects generating them, via core validated metrics aligned with the One Digital Health approach; 5) and review and validate Open standards for applications programming interfaces (APIs) to be developed, supporting WP5 to enable creation of a robust and resilient early warning system.

WP4: Citizen science and ethical sustainability

WP4 aims to (1) generate a shared understanding of the specific challenges, means and concerned actors for the co-production of sustainable citizen observations; 2) map the existing ongoing observations and analyse their impact and perception from the users, including desired changes and expected outcomes; 3) design the requirements for a citizen observation model supported by digital tools that actively contributes for a One Health approach in aquatic urban ecosystems; and 4) create the full pathway of the citizen science model, intervention and results. 

WP5: A.I. supported Environmental surveillance system

WP5 seeks to (1) develop digital tools to support citizen science and allow the reporting of information in standardised ways and the moderation of the information received by the research teams.; 2) develop the KPI repository infrastructure that will integrate all data produced in the project; 3) integrate the data feeds on a common data stream handling infrastructure; 4) establish the geospatial and satellite imagery information platform; and 5) develop an integrative tool that allows the integration of ecosystem, biological and human health indicators data and the prediction of potential emergence or outbreak of human diseases based on environmental degradation.

WP6: Decision-making, Innovation and Exploitation

WP6 aims to (1) develop tools to integrate all the data and information produced during the project; 2) build a Decision Support System based upon the early warning indicators with solutions to the improvement of human and aquatic ecosystems health, as part of the OneAquaHealth Environmental Surveillance System; 3) develop an exploitation plan by identifying the optimal routes for each exploitable result (e.g., Citizen Science App, 

Environmental Surveillance System, film,…) and all potential barriers; and 4) establish links to other European and National projects and initiatives, to profit from existing tools and databases and maximize the impact of the project.

WP7: Communication, Dissemination and Stakeholders engagement

WP7 aims to Raise awareness on the project scope and objectives, promote the knowledge exchange between the relevant stakeholders, facilitate standardisation in the technological field which is subject to innovation by the project, and promote and support the exploitation of the AI-based tools to be developed. 

Public Deliverables
D1.3 Policy brief
30 Apr 2026
D2.4 Catalogue of measures for urban aquatic ecosystems rehabilitation
31 Dec 2025
D3.5 FAIRness and FAIRification process and tools vs2
31 Dec 2025
D3.6 FAIRness and FAIRification process and tools vs3
30 Sep 2026
D4.2 Report on needs and analysis of contextual, social and cultural determinants
30 Jun 2024
D4.4 Citizen science design, process and outcomes vs3
30 Sep 2026
D4.5 OneAquaHealth Theatre play
28 Feb 2026
D4.6 OneAquaHealth Film
28 Feb 2026
D5.2 Geospatial and satellite information platform vs2
31 Dec 2024
D5.3 Digital app and backoffice
30 Jun 2024
D6.1 OneAquaHealth Open Information Hub vs1
31 Dec 2023
D6.2 OneAquaHealth Open Information Hub vs2
31 Dec 2025
D6.3 OneAquaHealth Open Information Hub vs3
31 Oct 2026
D6.5 Decision Support System and toolkit vs2
30 Jun 2026