One Health: A Holistic Approach to Global Health Challenges
The Covid-19 pandemic has drawn public attention to the dangers of animal-to-human transmitted diseases, leading to a re-evaluation of the traditional welfare model. This shift has subverted old socio-health paradigms, promoting a holistic and integrated health management approach that safeguards public health. Primary prevention, crucial for managing health risks, is emphasized, highlighting the close relationship between human health, animal health, and environmental well-being. The interconnectedness of diseases, especially vector-borne illnesses like Malaria and Dengue, underscores the One Health perspective, where climate change, rising temperatures, biodiversity loss, and increased human population contribute to the coexistence of humans, domestic animals, wildlife, and ecosystems.
The One Health approach is gaining prominence, with the Health Ministries of European Countries implementing specific surveillance and health control programs both at national and regional level. This involves operational integration among medical, veterinary, and environmental professionals. The focus on emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases, food-related illnesses, and environmental pollution requires a collaborative effort.
The One Health perspective is incorporated into the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, aligning with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. International bodies such as WHO, FAO, OIE, and UNEP are collaborating to strengthen the One Health alliance. A joint action plan focuses on supporting countries in strengthening health systems, reducing risks from zoonotic emergencies, preventing endemic zoonoses, managing health and food safety risks, countering antimicrobial resistance, and integrating environmental considerations into the One Health approach.
Author: Oscar Tamburis
Alise M. (2023), “One Health: l’impegno delle Istituzioni per una salute globale”, https://www.mvpa-unina.org/terza-missione/settembre2023/one-health-limpegno-delle-istituzioni-per-una-salute-globale_1695.xhtml (Accessed on 25.01.2024)