OneAquaHealth featured in the Summer School of UNIGE, Switzerland


In an engaging session on July 6th, at the University of Geneva’s Center for Informatics (CUI) – QoL Technologies, the OneAquaHealth project was presented to the students of the Geneva Summer School. The course provided a transdisciplinary training for Ph.D. students, post-doc students, junior researchers, practitioners who were interested in exploring the intersection of technology, quality of life and ageing well and Natália Machado, representing SHINE 2Europe, was invited to discuss the ethical challenges encountered during the project’s innovation journey.

As the coordinator of the Citizen Science and Ethical Sustainability Work Package and responsible for the Ethics Guidelines in OneAquaHealth, SHINE presented the project’s objectives and its expected impacts. The session also delved into various ethical principles, such as respect for the environment, respect for persons in research, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. The students actively participated in discussions and recognized the importance of extending ethical considerations beyond legislative frameworks. Emphasis was placed on the necessity for ongoing collaboration and dialogue among project partners to comprehensively address ethical dimensions encompassing society, legislation, technology, and individuals.

By acknowledging the complexity and significance of ethical issues in innovative projects like OneAquaHealth, the participants understood the need to fostering a holistic and responsible approach to technological advancements for the benefit of citizens.


Author(s): Carina Dantas, SHINE 2Europe