OneAquaHealth at the next international One Health Conference 2023, Barcelona
The OneAquaHealth partner Wise Angle (WISE) is glad to announce its inclusion in the Scientific Committee responsible for the organisation of the international One Health Conference 2023 to be held on October 19-20 in Barcelona, Spain. You can click here to visit the information website.
As the One Health conceptual framework becomes an increasingly important feature of modern health research, the scientific community needs to engage in a multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach capable of bridging the gap between knowledge and public policies.
Thus, the conference seeks to enable synergies among academics, policymakers, innovators and young researchers across several disciplines related to Human, Environmental and Animal health science. In line with the OneAquaHealth project’s expectations, the core debate of the sessions will lay in the opportunities of One Health for enhancing urban resilience.
This year, the conference gets even more ambitious by tackling up to five multifaceted dimensions of the One-Health concept, including the environmental and ecosystem dimension, the digital dimension, the social dimension, the policy dimension and lastly a participative and “leave-no-one-behind” dimension. Each of these will have their own space with dedicated panels.

In this context, our partner WISE is also responsible for the organisation of the digital dimension panel, which focuses on the specific implementation of the One Digital Health paradigm bringing together new opportunities for interaction among data collection in One Health environments and the use of digital tools and devices aimed at the development of health and environmental policy planning and interventions.
The OneAquaHealth project will be a special protagonist of the session, where it will be given an opportunity to present its core objectives of developing the environmental surveillance system and all the complementary tools meant to assist such endeavour, such as the environmental surveillance system for monitoring urban aquatic ecosystems, the decision support system for policymakers to undertake rehabilitation and regeneration urban plans and even the citizens’ mobile app for civic participation and engagement. Representatives of our project will also hold an opportunity to attend presentations from other relevant projects and research studies, alongside debating the state-of-the-art and potential breakthroughs in One Digital Health.
The One Health Conference has already opened its call for abstracts, whose deadline is set until August 30th 2023. Meanwhile, it is also possible to register for attendance either in physical or remote modality. Further information may be available by getting in touch with WISE or by sending a message to info@onehealthconference.it.
Author(s): Francesco Camonita & Valentina Tageo (WISE)
One Health, Conference, Barcelona, 2023, Digital healthcare, One Digital Health
(All images in this post were extracted from the One Health Conference Website Homepage)