First Local Alliance Workshop held in Benevento, Campania region, Italy


On Wednesday, June 7th, the OneAquaHealth project kicked of its series of Stakeholder Engagement Workshops by organising the first “Local Alliance Workshop” in Benevento, Campania Region, Italy

OneAquaHealth aims to promote the use of environmental observations to inform policies on human and aquatic ecosystems health in urban contexts. To achieve these aims the project will co-create and validate an holistic Environmental Surveillance System that contributes to meeting the One Health challenge, focusing on a multidisciplinary approach that includes supporting decision makers, at the national and European levels and reinforcing the participation of citizens in the One Health approach.

The stakeholder engagement strategy of OneAquaHealth is to implement Local Alliances in the project’s 5 Research sites, as a group of stakeholder organisations with different societal roles.

In the conference room of the Campania Region office in Bevenento (Italy), Professor Maria João Feio, representing the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra in Portugal, as Principal Investigator of the project, described the operational activities that have been and will be developed in Benevento, Coimbra, Toulouse, Ghent and Oslo. Professor Luigi Esposito, representing the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Productions of the University of Naples Federico II (Italy), and Professor Oscar Tamburis, representing the Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging – CNR (Italy), explained the progress of the field work at the Benevento Research Site.

The workshop featured, as local stakeholders: the Campania Region, the Municipality of Benevento, the Benevento Local Health Authority, the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Southern Italy, PRP Research Infrastructure of Bioelectronics Task Force of the University of Naples Federico II, LIPU, WWF, Master CABEu, MoGAE, CeRVEnE, Observatory of Wildlife and Venatorial Activities of the Campania Region, CRAS Federico II, the ATC (territorial hunting area organization) of Benevento, and the Italian Sport Fishing Federation.

The objective of this first Workshop, which will be repeated in the remaining 4 Research Sites, was to inform the Local Alliance Stakeholders on the objectives of the project, and to prepare for future engagements to provide their valuable contributions to the project’s success.

Author(s): Oscar Tamburis, National Research Council of Italy (CNR)